My Story
My Scentsy journey began in June of 2014, when my cousin invited me to a Scentsy party. I didn't even know what Scentsy was until that night, and I never dreamed that a little wax party would have such a positive impact on my life. At the time, I was only working part-time, and struggling mentally with not being able to help financially support our family the way that I wanted to. So, I decided to give it a try. Why not? I love fragrance in my home, and traditional candles just don't mix well with young children and a clumsy dog. Scentsy offered a safer alternative. That night, I knew I wanted to be a part of this company. I had no idea where the journey would take me, but I am so proud of how much I have learned about myself along the way.
I have three sons: ages 7, 5, and 2, and they are my world! Scentsy has truly been a joy to be a part of. It has allowed me to contribute more to my family’s finances, has enabled me to pay off debts, and has budded new friendships. I am currently a full time Pre-K teacher, and I have found that running my own Scentsy business fits perfectly into my schedule. Scentsy has given me the opportunity to meet new people and to become a party of a really awesome team, who inspires, collaborates, and genuinely cares about the success and happiness of each other. What started as just a little side "biz" has truly been a positive force in my life, and the best is yet to come. :)